Regional Teacher Training in Online Mode

From 4 to 6 June 2020, colleagues from the German Schools Abroad (DAS) in Ghana, South Africa and Namibia met in an unconventional way for regional further education to exchange views on the subject of school psychology, educational theories and the systematic observation of learners for assessment, counseling and support.

Chaired by Stefan Marien (process facilitator for the Central Agency for Schools Abroad at the DAS location Cape Town) and Tom Wegener (German Foreign Language coordinator of the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek), online assignments were processed and evaluated in an online live chat.

Although many participants regretted the lack of personal exchange, especially between the different work phases, e.g. over a coffee or a leisurely lunch, all participants rated the session positively.

The extremely committed and constructive team of participants developed modules such as educational theories, the importance of breaks, types of learning, multi-channel learning and systematic observations. In addition, topics of language formation and language-sensitive teaching were addressed.

This training is part of the annual training for local teachers at German schools in Southern Africa, which were continued this year under more challenging conditions.
We wish all participants of the training series continued success.

(Report: Tom Wegener, DHPS)


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