Structure & Organisation

DHPS is the only German school abroad in Namibia and one of 135 German schools worldwide. As an integrated school of encounter the DHPS offers a learning atmosphere which encourages children and young people of different cultural backgrounds and with different mother-tongues to cooperate and celebrate together and to respect other lifestyles.

Another objective of the DHPS is the promotion of the German language and to equip our learners – from kindergarten up to Grade 12 – with excellent education and perfect language skills. Not only German mother tongue children are educated at the DHPS, our learners speak English, French, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, Afrikaans, Oshivambo, Nama, Damara, Otjiherero, Rukwangali and many other languages at home.

Today the DHPS is one of the leading international schools in Namibia.

Our students: Currently 1083 children and young people are enrolled in the DHPS, from the baby group up to our Grade 12s.

Our teachers: Qualified teachers from Germany and Namibia educate and guide our learners.

School leaving certificates:

The DHPS offers students the possibility to choose between two international school leaving certificates:

German International Abitur (DIA)
After 12 years of school the learners can obtain the German International Abitur, a worldwide recognized international school leaving certificate which serves as an entrance to all the universities around the globe.

Cambridge International Examinations
In 2019 the DHPS introduced the Cambridge certificate for the English stream from Grade 10. In 2021 the first Cambridge IGCSE + AS-levels learners graduated.

The School Board

The School Board

The school board of the DHPS, Deutscher Schulverein Windhoek (1949), is the managing body of the school.

Our Board members, consisting of DHPS parents, are among others topics responsible for strategic decisions, construction matters, and the overall school budget. The focus is on close cooperation and active interaction with school management, the administration department, and the heads of divisions, as well as with teachers and educators, parents’ representatives, and learners’ representatives.

Do you consider having your name put up for the next school board elections?
Contact us - we look forward to your participation.

Members of the Executive Board

Your contact person(s)
Heilke Daun

Heilke Daun

Chairlady, advisor strategy - Vorsitzende, Referentin Strategie

Wolf-Dieter Wohlers

Wolf-Dieter Wohlers

Vice chair person, advisor personnel & AGDS/DKR - 2. Vorsitzender, Personalreferent, Vertreter AGDS/DKR

Jürgen Cronjé

Jürgen Cronjé

Co-Advisor Personnel & Strategy - Ko-Referent Personal & Finanzen

Roland Gerdes

Roland Gerdes

Advisor construction - Baureferent

Jens Iben

Jens Iben

Advisor construction, AGDS representative - Referent Bau, Vertreter AGDS

Thorsten Mai

Thorsten Mai

Secretary, Advisor finances - Sekretär, Referent Finanzen

Karoline Schünemann

Karoline Schünemann

Advisor Boarding school - Referent Internat

Astrid Stritter

Astrid Stritter

Advisor Public Relations - Referentin Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Waldemar  von Lieres

Waldemar von Lieres

Co-Advisor Finances & Boarding school - Ko-Referent Finanzen & Internat

School Management

School Management

Each good school is led by personalities who promote it.

Get to know the school management - our DHPS - "leaders":
Your contact person(s)
Jörg Przybilla

Jörg Przybilla

Schulleiter - Principal

Tel: +264 (0)61 373 122

Carsten Osthus

Carsten Osthus

Stv. Schulleiter - Vice Principal

Tel: +264 (0)61 373 115

Carola  von Blottnitz

Carola von Blottnitz

2. stv. Schulleiterin - 2nd Vice Principal

Tel: +264 (0)61 373 137

Conni Hecht

Conni Hecht

Leitung der Klassen 1-4 - Head of grades 1-4

Tel: +264 (0)61 373 139

Dr. Joachim Prinz

Dr. Joachim Prinz

Leitung: deutschsprachige Mittelstufe - Head: German Junior Secondary Section

Tel: +264 (0)61 373 123

Xenia Pieterse

Xenia Pieterse

Cambridge - Koordinatorin / Coordinator

Tel: +264 (0)61 373 133

Petra  Jenner

Petra Jenner

PQM-Koordinatorin / Coordinator: School development

Tel: Tel: +264 (0)61 373 111

School Administration

School Administration

Lessons naturally are the core-activity of a school!

But in order to have lessons and many other things run smoothly at the DHPS, the administration team of the DHPS provides important support behind the scenes:
Please do not hesitate to approach us, we will gladly assist all teachers, staff, learners, parents, interested persons, as well as the school board and external requests.

Opening hours: Administration department

morning afternoon
Mo 6h45 - 13h30 13h30 - 16h00
Tues/Fr 6h45 - 13h30 Closed

We are available telephonically on Monday-Friday from 7h00 to 16h00:
Tel. +264 (0) 61 – 373 145

Your contact person(s)
Deborah Haindongo

Deborah Haindongo

Head of Administration - Verwaltungsleitung

Admission & Fees

We are aware of the fact, that choosing the right school is an important decision - both for your child and for you.

It is, therefore, important to us and to our educational Heads of Departments, to provide advice in a personal interview and invite you to a school tour to give you insight into school life at DHPS.

You have already decided on the DHPS? We look forward to welcome you!

Please find everything you will need here:

For more information on our departments:

School fees:

Forms and information:

A complete application must include:

  • Payment options form
  • Completed registration form
  • Processing fee of N$ 500
  • Admission fee (see school fees)
  • Previous three year's reports
  • Vaccination reports
  • "Indemnity Form"
  • Recommendation form
  • Administration forms - Medications
  • Copies of ID/Passport/(if applicable study permit)
  • Birth certificate
  • For guardians: a clearance certificate

Lunch Menu

Lunch Menu

Our school canteen provides hot meals for our boarders, kindergarten- and pre-school kids.
The school kiosk offers a delicious lunch for all hungry learners, parents and staff members from Monday to Friday.
Even during break time our learners can regain their strength with healthy mueslis, fresh fruit, Brezels, sandwiches and soft drinks at the tug shop.

Pre-order your lunch now at the school kiosk - take-away or sit-in:
Order via phone, Whatsapp or E-Mail: 061-373 109 / 081-343 6424,
  • Please order before 10 a.m. for same-day orders.
  • Please pick up your take-away for 90 N$ from 12:00 at the DHPS school kiosk.
  • Sit-in lunch at the DHPS dining hall from 12:00 - 13:30. Please purchase your voucher for 90 N$ at the DHPS school kiosk in advance.

Find the current lunch menu here:

School kiosk offer 2025:

Any questions or would you like to order “take aways” at the school kiosk?
Please contact the canteen-team at: Tel. +264 (0) 61 – 373 109

School Calendar

We have pleasure in learning together, to devote ourselves to exciting projects and sports competitions and to celebrate with each other.

Keep updated on current school events - our school calendar provides an overview!

Please find here the calendar for 2025 & 2026 (subject to change!):
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