Another objective of the DHPS is the promotion of the German language and to equip our learners – from kindergarten up to Grade 12 – with excellent education and perfect language skills. Not only German mother tongue children are educated at the DHPS, our learners speak English, French, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, Afrikaans, Oshivambo, Nama, Damara, Otjiherero, Rukwangali and many other languages at home.
Today the DHPS is one of the leading international schools in Namibia.
Our students: Currently 1083 children and young people are enrolled in the DHPS, from the baby group up to our Grade 12s.
Our teachers: Qualified teachers from Germany and Namibia educate and guide our learners.
School leaving certificates:
The DHPS offers students the possibility to choose between two international school leaving certificates:
German International Abitur (DIA)
After 12 years of school the learners can obtain the German International Abitur, a worldwide recognized international school leaving certificate which serves as an entrance to all the universities around the globe.
Cambridge International Examinations
In 2019 the DHPS introduced the Cambridge certificate for the English stream from Grade 10. In 2021 the first Cambridge IGCSE + AS-levels learners graduated.