Boarding School

Welcome at the DHPS Boarding School

"One For All, All For One!"

All learners at the boarding school have one thing in common: Windhoek is not their home. Yet, the boarding school and its community create a home away from home for them. Learners come from farms, smaller Namibian towns, or other African countries, and guest learners also find a second home here.

The DHPS offers them the German International Abitur, the German Language Diploma (DSD I & II), and the Cambridge Diploma, along with various opportunities for support and challenge.

The boarding school provides a community where learners not only fit in but also learn to stand up for themselves and others. Skills like independence, empathy, perseverance, and the ability to take criticism are strengthened.

Each child enriches this community with their unique strengths and contributes a piece of home.

Parental support, even from afar, is an essential part of the educational partnership between the boarding school and parents.

About us:

The educators at the boarding school provide round-the-clock qualified supervision and more. They support every child’s development in the day-to-day life of the boarding school, with all its academic, social, and emotional ups and downs.

“The hostel is like a big family where you learn fairness and competitiveness and the acceptance of many different cultures, values and beliefs.”
(Ulrike Behring, Head of the DHPS boarding school)

Learning and living together

Living and learning together

Surrounded by sports and play facilities, our boarders live on a spacious campus right next to the school grounds.
Although DHPS is located in central Windhoek, the children are just as safe at the boarding school as they are at school.

The DHPS boarding family is divided into rooms and houses based on age groups, with responsible educators living in private flats on-site and always available when needed.

Grade 12 boarders live in "assisted residences"—small, independent living spaces where they practice independence and responsibility, while still being part of the community.

All meals are shared in the dining hall, located next to the boarding school. Children and young people also have access to group and common rooms, as well as the swimming pool and a lounge for retreat.

We provide a structured daily routine, offering security and familiarity, with fixed times guiding the day.

A typical day at the DHPS hostel

06:00 Waking up
06:00 - 06:45
School starts
11:30 -13:10 School ends, depending on age
As from 12:30 Lunch
until 14:00 Siesta
14:00 - 15:30
Homework time
as of Grade 10 free scheduling
15:30 - 18:30
Leisure and supervision offer
(Extramural activities, studies, sport,
swimming lessons, etc.)
As from 19:00 Joint evening activities
(movie nights, sports, parties, etc.)
19:30 - 21:30
self-study for learners of the higher grades
as from 20:00 - 23:00
Lights out - depending on age

Living in a Community is Fun:

Active involvement of parents and the school community is important to us:
  • Every Monday, parents can join for a sociable breakfast in the dining hall, with an informational session after the big holidays.
  • Once a year, we host a parents evening where information is shared, with time for informal chats over soup and mulled wine.
  • Parents can also get involved by joining the Parents Representative Committee or the festive committee.
  • Fundraisers and events take place several times a year, with proceeds going to the boarding school. Helping hands are always needed.
  • Boarders can also take on responsibility by joining the Learners Representative Committee, which organizes activities like soap soccer and movie nights.

Boarding School Information

Learners can be accommodated at the hostel from Grade 1 until they finish Grade 12.

Please find the hostel fees and the hostel brochure here.

We will gladly assist you with questions or a site inspection, or with an introductory session.

Please do not hesitate to contact us - we look forward to meet you.
Your contact person(s)
Ulrike Behring

Ulrike Behring

DHPS - Boarding School

Tel: +264 (0)61 373 102

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