Interesting and individual - despite the distance: DHPS Expo 2021

By now, the world certainly got used to the fact that events are organised differently these days. But how can you convey insights into lessons without learners, everyday life in the pre-school sector without children or the wide range of music and sports offered by a school without musicians and athletes?
The Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS) mastered this challenge brilliantly during its DHPS Expo, the "Open Day", on 6 March 2021.

Individual tours were offered to parents, future learners and interested parties to show them areas of the school that were of particular interest to them. In small groups, visitors could gain an insight into the diversity of this German school abroad, be it the primary section or the German International Abitur, the new science laboratories, the kindergarten or the boarding school. Members of the school management devoted plenty of time for individual conversations with their visitors, while DHPS teachers used the Expo to work on the future virtual presentation of their subjects, grades and areas.

Of course, a school lives through its learners, yet the DHPS staff did a wonderful job implementing this day under special conditions and at a distance. The new format of interest-based school tours was a great success.
“We are very delighted about the interested visitors. This was an opportunity to show new families the wide range of services offered by DHPS. But also parents whose children are already attending our school were impressed by the newly renovated science rooms and the gym, which, after all, were built with their school funds for the benefit of their children," said DHPS Principal, Ms Kristin Eichholz. "Of course, a school without its learners doesn't present the complete picture, but this format provided the platform for in-depth discussions with interested parents."

We would like to thank all teachers, visitors and parents for a wonderful day at our school while observing all the necessary hygiene and distance rules, which unfortunately still apply at the moment. We thank you for your interest and look forward to you being or soon becoming part of our school community.


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