Successful Basketball cooperation: Congratulations to BAS

The Basketball Artists School Foundation (BAS) has been a successful cooperation partner of the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS) for several years: The cooperation focuses on joint sports events, such as the annual DHPS & BAS basketball camp and coaching courses, as well as the use of the DHPS sports facilities and the regular exchange of personnel.
Since 2010, the BAS, with its combined educational and sports activities, has been committed to enabling disadvantaged children in Katutura/Windhoek to lead a self-determined life.

We and BAS are pleased about the long-term and sustainable success of the project and wish all the best for the tenth anniversary. Together with high-ranking representatives from society, sports and especially basketball, DHPS Principal Kristin Eichholz celebrated the anniversary together with the BAS on 22 February 2020.

It was a very special honour to welcome a delegation from the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), the Namibian and German Basketball Federations and the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) on the occasion of the BAS anniversary during their visit to Namibia at the DHPS. In a casual setting, the basketball experts expressed their appreciation and admiration for the sports and educational facilities at the DHPS and considered further opportunities for cooperation.

On group picture (f.l.t.r.):
Ingo Weiss (FIBA Treasurer + President of the German Basketball Federation), DHPS Principal Kristin Eichholz, Andrew Masongo (President of the Namibian Basketball Federation, NBF), Dr Michael Vesper (former Chairman of the DOSB), Bettina Weiss, DHPS Deputy Principal Carsten Osthus, Frank Albin (DOSB expert and founder of BAS)


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