Mini-Olympiad @ DHPS kindergarten

„Olympiad, that is movement for the body!“ ,as the children of the Robbengruppe pointed out.

That was also the main topic of the Mini Olympiad in our DHPS kindergarten from 5-9 October 2020. We tried out different sports disciplines such as playing soccer or doing races, from balancing (maybe even with a beanbag on the head to make it even more difficult), to sack racing, throwing rings or playing water games. Another highlight was painting the t-shirts and even more wearing them when they were done - the kids could not stop smiling!

The groups also did some arts and crafts projects around the Olympic theme, like the Olympic rings, pompons, the Olympic torch and medals.

In the afternoons, it was the families´ turn to take part in our Mini Olympiad. The kindergarten teachers challenged them to do three sporty activities and make a video. Those were send back to the groups and the kids enjoyed watching it all over again!


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