Grade 6´s NaDEET excursion: Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle

Like every year, shortly before the October holidays, all 6th grade classes travel to NaDeet: Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust.
The learners should learn about sustainable behaviour that protects the environment. The focus is on cooking with a solar cooker, preparing fresh meals with ingredients from your own garden, using water carefully and sharpening your awareness of the beauties of our nature that are worth preserving. Everyone pitches in and supports the whole group with their actions.
After learning, cooking, and spending quality time together, a variety of games and quizzes in the evening offered the opportunity to put the new knowledge to the test.
It would be nice if the learners here in Windhoek could also implement a noticeably more sustainable way of life and give parents new ideas about renewable energies, nature conservation and waste avoidance.
The four R’s serve this purpose: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle!