We share our light: DHPS Kindergarten celebrates the Festival of Lights

With the lantern in our hand
we bring light to our land.
shedding light on the dark
warmth and joy with just one spark.
Give me your hand, share my light
let the flame glow twice as bright.
With the lantern in our hand
we bring light to our land.

Let there be light, when darkness falls!
This was the motto of the Festival of Lights celebrated at the DHPS kindergarten on 19/07/2018.
First all enjoyed the delicious buffet and all shared the food everyone has contributed in a sociable round at the campfire. At sunset, all eight groups of the kindergarten lined up to the sound of trumpets and trombones.

Even the Sports Olympiad of the German schools in Southern Africa, which will be held at the DHPS in September, was already casting its shadows.
Musically accentuated by our brass players, Shapama, one of our kindergarten children, held the Olympic torch and guided his peers to the large sport field. Here the welcoming light of three lantern-decorated circles awaited us. All lanterns were lit while singing: “Light a fire”. A colourful group of lights moved to the songs in beautiful light formations.

We thank all parents for the delicious food they contributed to our scrumptious buffet. And a special thanks also goes to our musicians Tatjana Mehling, Steffi Richter (trumpet) and Anna-Lena Rau (trombone).

Report: Sylvie Weyer


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