Prize giving ceremony in Berlin: 2nd place in Inclusion competition

The Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS) - under the leadership of the “Inclusion team” - re-ceived a certificate for the second prize in the inclusion competition among German Schools Abroad, "Living and learning together".

The prize giving ceremony took place in Berlin on Thursday, 01 June 2017.

Four representatives of the DHPS - Ms Carola von Blottnitz, Ms Hannah Reusch and Ms Tatjana Metzger together with vice chairperson of the board Ms Heilke Daun - received the price money of 5.000 € as well as a certificate.

The DHPS was awarded for its enormous efforts in inclusion projects, such as its own professional support centre, actively living inclusion amongst its employees, its partner cooperation at the Special Olympics World Winter Games as well as the DHPS Interact Club´s fundraising campaign “Run4Rio” to support Namibian Paralympics star Ananias Shikongo.

The amount will be used to strengthen inclusion efforts at the DHPS and to actively live and learn together at the DHPS even more.

Please find here detailed press release on the competition "DAS - Learning and living together".


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