Method Day of the DHPS Primary Section

“I have never tried this before, so I am convinced I can do it.”
(Pippi Langstrumpf)

On 14 February, the Methods Day was offered to learners of grades 1 and 2 learners of the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS). On this day, learners had the opportunity to try out different working techniques and methods.

Grade 1 discussed the importance of a healthy breakfast at school, had a look at the contents of their lunch box and figured out why it is important to have a well-organised working place. At first, the pupils turned their classroom completely upside down - only to find out that they are only ready to learn when their desk is tidy.

In groups of two, the grade 2 learners tried out different exercises, and thus gained the confidence of their classmates. They also learned different working and learning techniques, such as the mind mapping method, presentation and work techniques that are very important for entries in their exercise books.

(Report: Nadia Roxin)


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