DKR Cultural Festival 2019

This year's Cultural Festival took place at the DHPS from 7 to 10 March under the motto “Treffpunkt Tiere - Deutschland trifft Namibia” (Animal meeting point - Encounter of Germany and Namibia). Private schools of Grootfontein, Otjiwarongo, Omaruru, Swakopmund, Meerdorfer Musikschule, Delta School Windhoek and DHPS were represented.
On Thursday, we were welcomed and checked in at our accommodation in the new gym. After a sumptuous dinner at the boarding school, the extensive programme started with the first of three music rehearsals with Mr Christopher Ströbl. We practised four songs about popular Namibian animals.
After breakfast on Friday, we continued with a varied and very exciting programme. Learners were divided into groups and each group was assigned an artist. They had the choice between Franc Marc, Rosina Wachtmeister, Joachim Voigts, John Muafangejo and Konrad Zander and compiled a short biography and the characteristics of their works of art. Afterwards, everyone worked diligently on their own pictures and prints on various subjects. This was repeated twice during the Cultural Festival, to give everyone enough time to complete and round off all works and have them ready for a beautiful exhibition.
In addition, poems on different animals, matching the artwork were memorised, e.g. on the topic of Rosina Wachtmeister there were two poems on cats, while Joachim Voigt's work was associated with poems on a porcupine and lion respectively (from “Aus der Kinderstube Südwester Tiere” - Namibian animal nursery - by Joachim Voigts). In connection with Franc Marc, 2 poems on the topic of "horses” were rehearsed and Konrad Zander's work was underlined with the poems “Warum der Springbock Springbock heisst” (Why the springbuck's name is springbuck) and “Der Gepard” (the cheetah). For John Muafangejo's work, the poems “Bewaffneter Friede” (armed peace) and “Der Leopard” (the leopard) were chosen.
The participants of the Cultural Festival also had the opportunity to listen to a rehearsal of the Orchestra Week of German schools in Southern Africa. For many, this was a very special and memorable experience.
There was action time in the great swimming pool and learners jumped off the 3m diving board or let off steam on the adventure playground after dinner.
An interesting attraction was the "Nacht der deutschen Sprache” (Night of the German Language), offered on Friday in front of the auditorium by the German department of the DHPS. Learners could participate in various activities of different stalls until the final concert of the Orchestra Week began. On this evening, the participants of the Cultural Week had a movie night.
The final event and highlight of the programme was the exhibition of the learner's works of art at the DHPS auditorium, including the presentation of the biographies and recital of the rehearsed poems. Learners had great fun and were proud of their achievements. The learners’ gave the programme a lively accent.
I believe that this Cultural Festival was a huge success and learners had great fun with one another. The grouping ensured that learners of different schools got to know each other and quickly made friends. All soon got adapted to the unfamiliar environment of the gym as a dormitory and it quickly came to rest in the evenings.
Our special thanks go to the kitchen staff of the boarding school, who surprised us with delicious and varied meals. In addition, the cooperation of the participating teachers was commendable and our team leader, Ms Reinhild Erb, deserves great recognition.
Finally, on behalf of all participants, I would like to thank the Deutscher Kulturrat (German Cultural Council), for the regular opportunity for learners from different schools to spend an educational and very valuable time together. This strengthens the learners’ social skills and the experience they gain on such events are invaluable.
Thank you very much!
Report by Hannelore Dobberstein, Teacher @ Private School Swakopmund