DHPS Delegation in Dialoge with Prof. Dr Lammert

On Saturday, 25 November 2023, we had the privilege of hosting Prof. Dr Norbert Lammert, Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and former President of the German Bundestag. He was in Windhoek as part of a conference and engaged in a discussion with learners at the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS).

Prof. Dr Lammert had previously visited Namibia's only German school abroad in 2015 and has since emphasised the politically engaging discussions with the learners, creating lasting and fond memories for him. Despite the limited preparation time for this talk, learners from grade 9 to 12, along with some teachers and DHPS Principal Kristin Eichholz met with Prof Dr Lammert for a one-hour conversation. This was truly a special experience for all participants:
Dr Lammert responded to the learners' questions with empathy and comprehensive detail, covering a range of topics from his introduction to politics and the survey results on the political situation in Germany — particularly the evolution of the AfD party — to the recent ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the budget in Germany and the convergence of European and African politics in the realm of hydrogen technology. Prof. Dr. Lammert offered extensive background information on various political subjects during the conversation.

A key focus for Prof. Dr. Lammert was the longstanding and good cooperation between the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Namibian parliament, with the aim of strengthening and advancing the process of democratisation in the country.

As a learner aptly summarised, "this discussion provided a behind-the-scenes glimpse into politics, offering a crucial supplement to our lessons and inspiring us to delve deeper into the subject."

With this in mind, we look forward to future discussions with Prof. Dr. Lammert and extend our warm appreciation for his dedication and time.


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