08 Mar 2021
19:00 - 20:00


Herzliche Einladung zum Informationsabend (in engl. Sprache) der DHPS-Suchtprävention für Eltern und SchülerInnen ab Kl. 6,
Montag, 08. März 2021, 19.00 Uhr, DHPS-Aula

"Family resilience: Anyway the wind blows" - Silke Berens (Schulpsychologische Beratung • School Counselor):
- Causes and effects of stress and chronic stress on adolescents and families (including risk factors for substance abuse/addiction).
- The family as sanctuary- how resilience is nurtured in relationships.
- Keys to family resilience
- Identifying strengths & resources for families to thrive in the face of adversity.

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