Increasing environmental awareness - as from pre-school level

Every child knows that you should not drop your candy wrappers on the playground. But what about respectful interaction with nature, active environmental protection and avoiding waste at home and at pre-school?

DHPS (Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek) pre-schoolers demonstrate that it is not difficult to implement this in everyday life.

For example, pre-school groups devote themselves to a clean playground and - equipped with garbage bags and tongs - regularly collect everything lying around on their play and sports area.

Saving water, separating waste, turning off lights - it is also about changing the small things and making them a habit. For example, to do without plastic bags in the supermarket and remember to take along the fabric bag instead.

The DHPS pre-school took up this idea, trying to increase environmental awareness with printed and individually painted fabric bags. This project is sponsored by the DHPS alumni association. The fabric bags are available at the pre-school for N$ 50.- and further bags are bought from the proceeds in order to combat plastic waste in the long term.

After all, increasing environmental awareness often only means to forego a little bit of comfort - and this works even for the smallest children.
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