Come one, come all – Spring Festival at DHPS kindergarten

With the spring festival "Circus of 4 Elements" the kindergarten of the DHPS Windhoek (Deutsche Höhere Privatschule) presented a big sensation to parents and visitors on Saturday, 22nd September 2018.

After the circus director had welcomed the audience, the "Circus of 4 Elements” entered the ring and surprised the spectators with a sensational performance.
The children of the Wölkchen group turned into “Artists in the Sky” and inspired their guests together with the “Moles” - staged by the artists of the Sternchen group. The Penguins became “Masters of the Water Games", and the rain makers and dancers from the Sonnen group impressed the guests with their talent.
Surprise guest "Clown Klaus” and his girlfriend amused the audience with funny interludes.
The Mond group had the audience in spellbound with their fire brigade performance, followed by the “Seals of Fire” staged by the Robben group, who enthused the spectators with an acrobatic show.
The Dolphins presented the “Rolling Artists” and ballerinas and the Hai group appeared as the “No Vertigos” and made the audience sweat: Without a net or a raised floor they balanced securely in almost dizzying heights.
The parents and visitors were amazed and rewarded the children with thunderous applause.
Afterwards, the guests were invited to enjoy delicious snacks. A heartfelt thank-you to the artists’ parents for providing the food.

Our guests were in a good mood and the beautiful weather perfected the day, making our spring festival a very special event for young and old.
As the circus director, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the young artists for their outstanding performances and their educators for their patience and dedication.
A warm thank you to all visitors of our circus performance, you were a great audience!

(Report: Sylvie Weyer, Kindergarten)


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