Agriculture at first hand: Class Outing to Farm Krumhuk

In line with their current Natural Science topic, the class excursion of the class 4b learners took them to farm "Krumhuk".

Mr Voigts informed them about various agricultural activities and explained organic vegetable cultivation.
The class was divided into three groups:
The first group helped feeding the cows. They had to get hay and distribute it into the feeding troughs. In the afternoon they were even allowed to help milk the cows.
The second group went to the organic garden. They weeded the vegetable beds diligently and then planted pumpkin and melon plants.
The third group signposted the new hiking trail with Mr Voigts.

On the next day the groups rotated so that everyone could gain an insight into all the aspects of farm life.
After lunch, the learners swam and played before baking their own bread rolls.
In the late afternoon we walked to the camp-site together. On the way everyone tried to identify the bushes and shrubs. Unfortunately this was a bit challenging, because the trees and bushes had not come into leaf yet.
Also the topic of bush encroachment was addressed during our farm visit, since there were clear signs of it.

In the evening we had stick bread at the fire with sausages and pasta salad.
Everyone was exhausted and quickly fell asleep after this eventful and educational day.

Thank you to the whole "Krumhuk” team for the interesting insights.

(Report: Theone Otto)


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